Marlon Frómeta


Originally from Havana, Cuba, Marlon is a graduate of the Fernando Alonso National Ballet School where he was both a dancer and instructor. He was lucky to train with esteemed ballet instructors such as Fernando Alonso, Aurora Bosch, Azari Plisetski, Lázaro Carreño, and many others. During his undergraduate experience, Frómeta performed roles such as the Diana and Acteon Pas de Deux, Le Corsiare Pas de Deux, Paquita Pas de Deux, and many other famous works.

In 2022, Frómeta was invited to join Cuban National Ballet where he performed in Alexei Ratmansky's CONCERTO DSCH, Gema Bond's La Hora Novena, George Balanchine's Theme and Variations, Alberto Méndez's The River and the Wood, and more. He also trained under the direction of Dirk Badenhorst, Director of the South African International Ballet Competition.

This is Marlon’s first season with Indianapolis Ballet!

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